Local SEO for Dental Practices

Work with a digital marketing agency that specializes in dental SEO strategies. Rank higher and improve your online visibility with local SEO tactics!

How Can SEO Help Dental Practices?

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, allows you to appear in front of prospective patients when they search for answers or seek services that your dental office can provide. It works by making your website more visible in search results, especially for local searches like "dentist near me." This means that potential patients who are already interested in dental care will find you organically, without needing paid ads. With strong SEO, your practice will climb the ranks of search engine results and establish credibility with potential patients when they find helpful content on your website. SEO also improves your website's user experience, making it easier for patients to find appointment information and contact details. Overall, SEO is a cost-effective way to bring in new patients and grow your practice.

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Portrait of a beautiful brunette girl who smiles, laughs, brushes her teeth with a red toothbrush on a yellow background. Dentistry. Advertising. Orthodontist. Place for inscriptionby Diana Polekhina

Build Rankings for Keywords and Phrases

With ongoing production of high quality content optimized for search engines, your website will appear for keywords and phrases that potential patients search for online. Creating more content will create more opportunities to rank for additional keywords. For example, if you add pages to your website about orthodontics and expand your focus by adding pages on braces, clear aligners, or lingual braces, then you have the opportunity to rank for dental service categories along with specific dental services. FAQ content, how to guides, and lifestyle blogs create even more opportunities to reach real people with real dental needs in a competitive online landscape.

Provide Helpful Content with Content Marketing

SEO is not just adding as many keywords onto a page as possible in order to appear for the thousands of terms a person can use to look for a dentist. Content exists to provide information to those who seek it and solutions to those needing answers. Content marketing ensures that you and your practice appear in front of the right people at the right time when they need you most. When you become a source of trustworthy and high-quality content, your dental practice is rewarded by search engines with higher ranks in search results.

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Gaining a deep understanding the problems that customers face is how you build products that provide value and grow. It all starts with a conversation. You have to let go of your assumptions so you can listen with an open mind and understand what’s actually important to them. That way you can build something that makes their life better. Something they actually want to buy.by Headway

Improve Online Visibility and Schedule More Appointments

As you grow your website and improve your search rankings, your website will attract more visitors over time. Over time, the traffic to your website will continue to grow putting your dental practice at the forefront of searches for prospective patients. With more visibility, you gain more opportunities for prospective patients to schedule appointments at your dental practice. When you produce high-quality content that answers patient's frequently asked questions, your brand can outshine the competition and drive more and more appointments as a result of your SEO efforts!

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about Minty Dental Marketing? If you have questions, we have answers! You can also reach out to our team for a free marketing consultation for more information.

Why work with a marketing agency that specializes in dental SEO and not a general marketing agency?

Working with a dental marketing agency means working with dental SEO experts that understand not only how to write content and optimize your website, but who also understands the difference between a prophy and a PMV or SRP. You want to work with an agency who can target the right people for the right services. Digital marketing agencies that serve all industries won't understand that not everyone qualifies for a fully covered cleaning with insurance or that a D4341 or 4342 requires a D0180. We do thorough industry research along with keyword trend analysis to align marketing strategy with dental practice growth strategies.

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What makes Minty Dental Marketing's SEO strategies different from other dental marketing agencies?

The main difference between Minty Dental Marketing and other digital marketing agencies are transparency and collaboration. Other dental marketing agencies are very protective of the strategies that make them successful. It can often leave dentists feeling like their agency partner is not trustworthy or deceptive. Our perspective is that our strategies are not unique. If we had the secret to marketing domination, we'd be the ONLY dental marketing agency in the country. All of our tactics and strategies can be learned online for free. What we offer is peace of mind.

Minty Dental Marketing saves you time managing complex and time consuming marketing tasks so you can focus on dentistry and practice management. The best part? We outline our SEO deliverables and provide links and files that you can access at any time. Your content belongs to you. Your website belongs to you. Your strategy belongs to you. We are the trusted partner who plans and executes your growth strategy at an affordable cost. We also complete tasks that other dental marketing agencies do not provide such as internal linking and external backlinking. Curious to learn more? Read our service page on backlinking services or schedule a free marketing consultation to learn more!

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Should I do SEO or paid advertising to grow my dental practice?

Both SEO and PPC are excellent marketing tactics to grow your dental practice! Instead of viewing them as competing options, you can think of them as complimentary tactics that align with an effective growth strategy. They both have advantages and disadvantages. SEO is less costly and requires less active management, but the downside is that SEO takes a long period of time with steady optimizations over time. PPC on the other hand is a faster approach to appointment generation, but it requires active management and education in advertising. Combining the two approaches allows you to appear consistently in search results and across multiple variations of keywords and phrases. Performance data from advertising can influence your SEO focus while organic website traffic can help you determine what areas of your website convert into appointments most efficiently. SEO is a better long term strategy if your goal is managing your marketing costs while PPC is the better short term strategy if you desperately need new appointments and costs are no concern. Combining both is the best approach if your goal is to invest in growing your dental practice for the best return on investment.

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Can I do SEO for my dental practice myself?

Yes! If you create blogs and web copy with Chat GPT, you can pump out a lot of informational content at no cost. However, the information from AI may be inaccurate or focus too much on clinical details that make it difficult or bothersome to read for real people. Real patients can usually tell when content is written by AI and may become skeptical of a dental practice's trustworthiness if this is used without any form of moderation. For many dentists, the time needed to review and edit content takes away from their patient appointment time and personal time with friends and family. Eventually it can make a dentist feel like they're trading their DDS or DMD for a job as a full time marketing specialist. If you feel overwhelmed by the time commitment, then working together with an agency is a much better alternative!

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